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Woolston’s consultation is built on the philosophy that promotional marketing materials and techniques have staying power based on being some combination of “useful” and/or “cool,” and that “useful” is far more effective. It is entirely possible and indeed more powerful to connect with clients, patrons, and other prospects by educating or enlightening them rather than “selling” to them. With the right strategy, organizations can even cause other influencers to recruit eagerly on their behalf.

An infographic with five interconnected cards, each depicting an aspect of 'TOTAL RECRUITMENT' with icons and guiding questions. 'Theme' shows a newspaper icon with the question about emphasizing primary messages. 'Outreach' has handshake icons, asking how to get others' attention. 'Teaching' displays a graduation cap and podium, inquiring about aiding intellectual growth. 'Aid' features a money bag icon, questioning affordability. 'Location' with a globe icon, explores making a visit a meaningful experience. An arrow labeled 'TOTAL RECRUITMENT' spans the length of the cards, indicating a process flow.

Woolston Inventive uses the TOTAL Recruitment℠ philosophy to help you develop a range of specific strategies based on enlightening your target population that will grow awareness of your organization and help you build interest and membership. Where other services provide marketing that is promotional in nature, TOTAL Recruitment℠ generates actual value. As represented by the acronym “TOTAL,” we provide consulting that results in the establishment of your primary messages (Theme), communication coaching (Outreach), unique educational delivery designed to fill a specific knowledge gap (Teaching), definition of value proposition (Aid), and site promotion (Location).

Woolston uses the Relevance Model for institutions of higher education


What are the primary messages we want to emphasize?

Working with “theme” is about the succinct and effective capture of the most relevant messaging. Woolston Inventive projects are designed to identify and then articulate relevant themes in ways that resonate with the target market.

Woolston Inventive worked with a performing arts organization prior to its upcoming season in an effort to identify ways to connect with new and broader audiences and raise ticket sales. Through a focus group experience we helped the organization create and implement several innovative promotional themes, as well as the most efficient ways of developing those themes (a collaborated combination of social media, web, publications, etc.).

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