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Inspiration Beats Marketing.
Every Time.

Innovative approaches that outperform conventional marketing techniques

Logo of Woolston Inventive featuring a lightbulb with a letter "w" inside, encircled by the text "woolston inventive - everyone smarter" in blue and yellow colors.
Logo of Woolston Inventive featuring a lightbulb with a letter "w" inside, encircled by the text "woolston inventive - everyone smarter" in blue and yellow colors.

Woolston Inventive provides ideas and support to build awareness, interest, and client base for organizations by applying principles of higher education to traditional marketing and promotional techniques.

The value proposition extends well beyond the concept of sales and promotion. It is built on the premise that this kind of marketing or promotion can make all parties involved “smarter.”

Our intention is not to give you a competitive advantage in what everyone is already doing. Instead we help you re-orient your promotional efforts to make them so valuable to prospective clients that you become their top choice and the only option they seriously consider.

Three people at a table engaged in a discussion with speech bubbles and a bright lightbulb indicating an idea, using promotional techniques to enhance the dialogue.
A graphic depicting the key concepts of TOTAL Recruitment: 'Theme' featuring a newspaper with 'NEW' ribbon, 'Outreach' showing two hands shaking, 'Teaching' with a graduation cap atop a podium, 'Aid' with a bag of money, and 'Location' depicted by a globe.

TOTAL Recruitment Method

Woolston Inventive uses the TOTAL Recruitment℠ philosophy to help you develop a range of specific strategies based on enlightening your target population that will grow awareness of your organization and help you build interest and membership. Where other services provide marketing that is promotional in nature, TOTAL Recruitment℠ generates actual value.

About Woolston

Headshot of PJ Woolston standing in front of a column smiling.

With over 20 years of experience in college recruitment and admissions, PJ Woolston has learned how to help other organizations grow by creating value through their promotional efforts in the industries of Health Care, Business, and Law, as well as in the Not-For-Profit sector, Education, and all aspects of the Arts.

Three people in business attire, one leaping between rising bar graphs, celebrating professional or business growth.
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